Our Membership
The Regional Planning Commission is composed of one member from each of the three boards of county commissioners and the county engineers of each county. In addition, six county "members-at-large" are appointed by the boards of county commissioners, two from each county. Nine "citizen members-at-large" are appointed by the boards of county commissioners, three from each county. Municipalities of city status have two representatives and an alternate. Participating villages have one representative and an alternate. Parcipating townships have one representative.
The first office for LUC was located in a former residence along US Route 33 on the site of TRC. The LUC Office now resides in the center of East Liberty. Currently, there are three counties, four cities, thirteen out of twenty-three incorporated villages and thirty-six townships listed as members of the commission.
The Executive Committee is presently comprised of the president, first and second vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer and twenty-four other people who were elected from the entire membership at the annual meeting. Ex-officio members without voting privileges include the District Deputy Directors of the Ohio Department of Transportation's Districts Six and Seven and any chairman of a Study Committee who is not an elected member of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee is the policy and decision making body but their actions are always subject to review by the entire commission at any annual or special meeting.
The Executive Committee meets the second Thursday of each month at 1:15 pm in the LUC office in East Liberty. Representatives from any of the member municipalities or townships are always welcome to attend any or all meetings and participate in any discussion. They are, however, not permitted to vote as a member of the Executive Committee unless they are a duly elected member thereof. Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings are available to all members.
The Annual Meeting of the entire membership is held the third Thursday of November in the evening. The annual dinner rotates between the three member counties and consists of a dinner prior to the business portion of the meeting. All representatives are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate in any discussion and vote on any issue.