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Transportation Planning

In 2016 LUC was designated by Governor Kasich as one of five rural agencies in the state known as a Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO).  This program allows LUC to participate in transportation planning, somewhat mirroring the process that currently happens in major metropolitan areas through the designated Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO's).  LUC achieved the first main goal of the RTPO by completing and adopting a Transportation Plan for Logan and Champaign Counties.  Union County is part of a different and newly emerging RTPO.

As the Logan and Champaign County RTPO continues to evolve from a pilot to permanent program, LUC realizes it needs to build its capacity as a transportation planning agency while continuing to deliver its core land-use related services.  A partnership has been entered between LUC and the Clark County-Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) to accomplish this.  You can learn more about TCC here: LUC retains its identity and local decision making as an RTPO while TCC is contracted to perform transportation planning activities and interface with the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.  Both LUC and TCC benefit from this inter-regional cooperation, and believe it can be a statewide model for sharing and bolstering resources.

Current Information
Current & Upcoming Public Comment Periods
Studies Completed
Funded Projects based on RTPO Studies
Planning Work Program Final Reports
FY23 Report
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