Pleasant Township,
Logan County, Ohio
Physical Address of Township House:
146 White Oak St
DeGraff OH 43318
Mailing Address of Township:
PO Box 136
DeGraff OH 43318
Trustees Information
Charles Strayer (Chair), 937-597-1661
Stephen Sanders (Vice-Chair), 937-585-5925
Jeffrey Schindewolf, 937-441-5339
Fiscal Officer Information
Don Pippin, 937-539-1444
Zoning Officer Information
Nancy Greene, 937-539-1915
Pleasant Township is zoned. Please contact Nancy Greene for information regarding the need for permits and questions regarding zoning. Please see our rates and zoning regulations on the LUC website.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Jesse Nichols
Bruce Kuck
Mark Zumberger, Chair
Skip Jackson, Clerk
Steve Jacks
Zoning Commission
Del Jessee
Kurt Fielder, Vice Chair
David Strayer, Clerk
David Bell
Corey Godwin, Chair
Meeting Time:
The Trustees meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Township House.
Special Meetings/Announcements